Best Diabetes Treatments

diabetes treatmentsLike many complex subjects, diabetes treatment has many facets and can be overwhelming. What are currently the best treatments for diabetes? What are the top alternative treatments? The latest diabetes new research? Let’s take a look.

Initially, it is helpful to look at the basics, and then branch out into more focused treatment aspects. In 2012, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) published its Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes.

Essentially, the ADA provides a holistic approach to treating the disease. While there are many different components to its approach, there are six key areas to consider.

The six key areas are:

  • Blood Sugar Control
  • Proper Diabetes Diet
  • Self Management Education Program
  • Exercise
  • Mental and Social Health Review
  • Proper Immunizations

The ADA discussed other factors, including the importance of proper insulin and medication management.

Alternative Treatments

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    Alternative Treatments: Beyond conventional methods of healing, people often look for alternative or natural treatments. These methods are often referred to as complementary treatments. The National Institute of Health has an entire division devoted to studying these treatments called the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). This article touches upon a few of the more popular diabetes treatments, including various herbs and other methods of healing.
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    Nutritional Supplements: This article is similar to the first, but really hones in on the various substances that have been professed to help people with diabetes. It is THE starting point for people who want to learn more about supplementing their diet.I cover everything from aloe vera to Vanadium and alpha lipoic acid to sea vegetables.
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    Ayurvedic Medicine: For those of you who have never heard of Ayurvedic medicine, this article looks into this ancient Indian form of medicine. If you recall, it is argued that the Indians discovered diabetes in 400 B.C. It would stand to reason then, that they created some unique methods of treating it. The Indians combined herbs, massage and other holistic healing methods to heal your mind, body and spirit. Come check out this ancient medical art!
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    Yoga: You should also read my fascinating account of how yoga has been advanced as a treatment for diabetes. Certain yoga asanas, or poses, have been studied for their diabetic healing properties. Interestingly enough, these asanas actually stimulate or massage internal organs that have been thought to stimulate insulin secretions. Even if it doesn’t do this, yoga is still an excellent way to exercise, burn calories and drastically increase flexibility. Namaste!
  • meditation-and-diabetes-100
    Meditation: I don’t know why, but I always feel better after meditating. Apparently, I am not alone. More studies are coming to find out that mediation can help lower blood pressure, relieve stress and increase performance. These conditions are just the tip of the iceberg. Come learn how meditation can be a valuable part of your self management routine.

New Research, Treatments and Medicine

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    Diabetes New Research: Unfortunately, there is no known cure for diabetes. Once you have it, you have it for life. Nonetheless, that does not mean scientists are not working hard to discover ways to significantly minimize the impact diabetes has on a person’s life and hopefully, ultimately, to cure the disease.

    At any given time, there are literally thousands of diabetes studies being conducted, many of which are looking for volunteers to participate. Take a look at our Top 5 research sources to learn what’s happening on the cutting edge!

    Stem Cell Research: The latest craze in all types of research is the use of stem cells to make dramatic improvements in science. Diabetes is no different. The huge promise is that stem cells appear to be able to treat and correct the underlying condition, particularly with type 2 diabetes.
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    Gene Therapy: Even more encouraging is the emerging role of genes in the treatment and cure of diabetes. Time will tell, but science is slowly making great strides in unlocking the magic box that holds the diabetes cure.
  • Lap-Band placed on a replica stomach.
    Weight Loss Surgery: Increasingly, bariatric surgery (such as gastric band and gastric bypass surgery) has become a viable option for people with diabetes who are also obese. While the research is encouraging, this is still a pretty drastic step. I take a look at the risks and rewards for this controversial technique.
  • Dapagliflozin: There is a new diabetes drug in Phase III clinical testing called dapagliflozin. Initially, this medication held much promise for helping people control their blood glucose. However, testing has revealed some complications. Learn the status of this new medicine and whether it could be a decent treatment for you down the road.

Additional Treatments and Complications

  • Diabetes Complications: Unfortunately, the list is long when it comes to all of the complications that are common among people with diabetes. I go into great detail about the different ailments that can potentially occur and some of the treatment options that go along with them. Even if you are doing a great job controlling your diabetes, you may want to be aware of what to look for and how to cope with it if your situation changes.
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    Blood Sugar: Another large area of treats that I cover in its own separate section is all about blood sugar. This section is extensive in some of the traps for the unwary, as well, as proactive tips about how to get on top of your blood sugar control and stay there.


  • How to Pray for Diabetes? The older I get the more I come to realize there are things I cannot control. The power of prayer for mental, physical and spiritual health is well written about and documented.

    Here are some thoughts on how to pray for a health condition and some additional resources for further learning.

  • Certified Diabetes Educators – Are They All Created Equal?: By now, you probably have heard of certified diabetes educators. But, do you know what they do? Do you know the requirements of becoming one? Do you know why it matters?

    Well, check out this article to learn more about how a good one can help you get on track and stay there. A good CDE is an excellent complement to your health care team!

  • Smoking and Diabetes: It’s Like Throwing Gas on a Fire!: I don’t know why I even had to write this article in this day and age. Unfortunately, I did. I still have friends and family members who smoke. I even know people with diabetes who smoke. While it may seem like your lungs and your diabetes are two separate issues, they actually aren’t. If you or a loved one smokes, click on the article link to get going on quitting today.
  • Glyconutrients and Diabetes: Is it a Scam?: Before writing this article, I had never heard of glyconutrients. Apparently, neither have a lot of people. If they hadn’t been touted as a possible treatment for diabetes, I wouldn’t have bothered with it. However, if you have been approached by someone about these substances, you may want to check out this article.
  • Glyset: It’s All About Control: Glyset is one of many diabetes medications used to control your blood sugar. There are some possible complications, so you will need to check with your doctor before starting with glyset. However, if you aren’t currently taking the drug, check out how it may help you.


American Diabetes Association, Position Statement – Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes 2012, Diabetes Care, Volume 35, Suppl. 1, January 2012.
National Institute of Health, Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies for Diabetes, May 2004 (accessed December 2008).
By Erich Schultz – Last Reviewed May 2013.