Finding the right diabetes supplies is important. Especially in today’s financial climate, you want to get the best supplies at the best value. At, we are committed to seeking out the best supplies possible, whether it is diabetes test strips, glucose meters, journals, etc.
There is a tremendous amount of resources located on this site regarding how to get the best deal, or just to pick the right item based on your individual needs. This page is just the tip of the iceberg, so please look around starting at the home page.
If you find a resource worth mentioning, please contact us and we will see about sharing it with others
Test Strips
If you use a blood glucose meter, then you absolutely need to check out our Diabetic Test Strips price comparison page. There, we compare the prices on test strips from the TOP online sources. Stop buying your strips at the drugstore. Check out the price comparisons and save!!
Blood Glucose Meters
Only to brag a little, we feel have the best information regarding glucose meters that exists on the Internet in one place. We have amazing comparison charts and some great resources about why some meters are accurate and others are not. Get started with the reviews, link below.
Puzzled about how to pick your next glucose meter? Try reading How to Choose a Diabetes Glucose Meter – The Top 12 Factors.
After your done there, take a look at our Blood Glucose Meter Reviews. We have reviewed over 40 different meters – and counting!
Insulin Pumps
Choosing the right insulin pump can be difficult. Learn what the types of insulin pump currently on the market are. If you are curious about the right insulin pump price, then check out this article.
We even thought it would be neat to learn who invented the insulin pump. The answer may surprise you. Hint: You have seen one of his other inventions in the mall!
After you look at those articles, check out our Insulin Pump Reviews. We examine all of the top brands and models available today.
Other Diabetes Items
Here we have detailed the Top 10 Factors for Choosing Socks for Diabetics. Interestingly, there is a lot that goes into finding the right diabetic socks. We have also broken down the top considerations for choosing Shoes for Diabetics.
Also, check out the coolest Diabetic Medical Alert Bracelets and an overview of all Diabetic Testing Equipment you may want to use.