Finding diabetes Spanish resources can be a bit difficult, but I wanted to provide some of the basics to get you started. Why focus on Spanish language information?
While we are an English language based website, I do recognize that many of my readers would prefer information in another language or are caring for others whose primary language is Spanish. So, I wanted to provide some of the better links available with Latino or Hispanic information.
Moreover, unfortunately, the Hispanic community is disproportionately hit with diabetes. For people over 20 years old, almost 12 percent of the Hispanic population as a whole has been diagnosed with diabetes.
If you look at some specific Hispanic populations, the rate goes up for certain subgroups. For example, people of Mexican (13.8 %) and Puerto Rican(13.8%) descent have a very high rate of diabetes.
Compare this with non-Hispanic whites who have a diabetes rate of 7.1%.
Despite this difference, most diabetes information in the United States is not in Spanish. However, I have put together some of the more prominent and not so prominent Spanish language links and resources here.
Government Resources in Spanish:
American Diabetes Association (en espanol): The ADA has an entire website dedicated to diabetes Spanish resources.
National Institute of Health: The NIH publishes many of its informative diabetes resources in Spanish. A list of NIH Spanish Resources can be Found Here
Center for Disease Control: The CDC is also a good place to start for basic information on diabetes in Spanish.
Other Spanish Language Diabetes Resources Websites: This site is the Spanish language version of
Great diabetes spanish social network site.
Mendosa: This website has a list of over 100 websites
from around the world, not just Spanish language. This is a very diverse resource.
Spanish Language Websites (not just about diabetes)
Dietas Ejercicios – if you speak Spanish! This family site about exercises and diets. You can find delicious protein meals and photos demonstrating exercises.