CEO compensation for charities always is fascinating to me. Maybe it is to you as well. There are only a handful of large diabetes charities in the United States.
I thought it would be interesting to take a look at their size and how much the CEO’s get paid. I also threw in the Children’s Diabetes Foundation for a comparison with a much smaller charity. (FY = Fiscal Year)
American Diabetes Association (FY 2011)
Charity Expenses: $197,000,000
CEO Pay: $545,950
JDRF (FY 2012)
Charity Expenses: $203,000,000
CEO Pay: $0 (An Executive Vice President makes $560,000)
Joslin Diabetes Center (FY 2011)
Charity Expenses: $85,000,000
CEO Pay: $0**
**A section chief makes $1.2 million and the former CEO is on the books for $682,000. I would speculate that the section chief is a scientist and the former President probably had an employment contract resulting in being paid after employment separation.
Children’s Diabetes Foundation (FY2011)
Charity Expenses: $4.3 million
CEO Pay: $115,000
So, what does this all mean? Are these too high? Let’s compare all health related charity CEO’s in the US. In 2010, the median salary was $150,000, while the max salary was $745,000. So, these salaries are on the high side, but well below the maximum. You can read the charity CEO salary report and do more research at