eDiets – Living With Diabetes Diet Review

ediets living with diabetesCreated by ediets.com, the Living with Diabetes Diet has achieved some noted popularity. But, is it really a good diet for people with diabetes? The program provides weekly meal plans and recipes that you prepare yourself.

The diet strictly follows the American Diabetes Association and the Joslin Diabetes Center diet recommendations. It is primarily designed for people with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes who need to improve their eating habits.


The Living with Diabetes diet stresses portion size and nutritional content. Meaning, you are counseled on making sure the size of the meal is appropriate, so you don’t over eat. Second, each meal plan is designed to make sure there is a specific amount of nutrition that is appropriate.

Each meal is approximately 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent lean protein, and no more than 35 percent fat. Each week you get the meal plan, recipes and a printable shopping list to take to the grocery store with you! Now that is simple.


As the previous section discussed, each meal is specifically designed to ensure that you are eating the proper portion size and that each meal has the proper nutrition. Additionally, the diet limits your carbohydrate intake to whole grains and fruits and vegetables. No processed or refined sugars or grains are allowed.

While not considered a low carbohydrate diet, similar to the Atkins Diet, it is considered a lower carbohydrate diet, as it restricts your carb intake over traditional meal plans. The diet also incorporates a healthy dose of dietary fiber, which is considered beneficial for diabetic, and non-diabetic, health.


The diet does not stress any particular exercise regime. However, when you sign up with the program you get a free fitness plan tailored to your needs. ediets.com also has professional personal trainers available to tailor a work out to your needs.


The diet is fairly new and has not generated the marketing pizzazz that some of the more famous diets have in the past. What this means is that negative feedback regarding the diet is limited. Popularity breeds a lot of positive and negative feedback!

Obviously, any diet that follows the ADA dietary guidelines has its critics in the other diet camps such as the South Beach Diet and Diabetes, Atkins Diet and Diabetes and the Mediterranean Diet and Diabetes. Nonetheless, this tends to be less of a criticism and more of a difference of opinion regarding which is the right diet for diabetics.


The diet follows the ADA and Joslin Diabetes center guidelines, which certainly gives one some comfort level when evaluating a new diet on the market. We also like that it seems to go one step farther than the ADA in that it really tries to limit refined grains and sugars. While the ADA also seeks to limit these foods, this diet tends to be a little more stringent in this regard.

If you like to have your meals planned out for you with simple to follow recipes, this diet is an excellent choice.


The cost is typically about $20.00 per month, but there are frequent sales. This gives you access to the following:

  • Meal Plan
  • Recipes
  • Weekly Shopping List (my favorite!)
  • Custom Exercise Plan
  • Live Support from a Registered Dietician
  • Live Support from a Personal Trainer
  • Motivation Support
  • Community and Article Support


It has come to our attention that the eDiets: Living with Diabetes Diet is no longer available for purchase.