Carbohydrates and Insulin Release

The way carbohydrates affect insulin release could be the major key to developing type 2 diabetes. When I was in my teens and twenties, I could literally eat a pizza a day (plus everything else, maybe even some beer) and still look great. Fast forward twenty years and this is not really (not at all!) … Read more

Carbohydrates and Diabetes: What’s the Big Deal?

bakery full of bread

Interestingly, there are fewer topics that seem to cause more controversy than carbohydrates and diabetes. Some popular experts advocate some form of a low carb diet, such as Dr. Robert Atkins, Dr. Arthur Agatston and The Diabetes Diet by Dr. Richard Bernstein . These experts also debate the type of carbs you should or should … Read more

Glycemic Index

Not all carbohydrates are created equal. The glycemic index (GI) measures how any given carbohydrate containing food raises or lowers your blood sugar. Eating carbohydrates can have a profound effect on your blood sugar, especially people with diabetes. High GI foods raise your blood sugar more than low GI foods. The goal is to eat … Read more

Alpha Lipoic Acid For Diabetes

Alpha lipoic acid for diabetes (ALA) has become a very popular subject. But, what are the alpha lipoic acid dangers, benefits and research behind this miracle supplement? Moreover, what is the proper alpha lipoic acid dosage? What is Alpha Lipoic Acid? ALA is a fatty acid that is present in your cells. It is naturally … Read more

Omega 3 and Diabetes – A Miracle Supplement?

Omega-3 and diabetes has been getting a tremendous amount of attention lately, but this shouldn’t surprise you. Unless you’ve been living as a monk, you have heard of omega-3 and the amazing impact it can have on your health. Anyone familiar with the New York Times bestselling authors Dr. Nicholas Perricone, Dr. Daniel Amen and … Read more

Chromium and Diabetes – Who Knew Chromium Did All That?

chromium and periodic table

The chromium and diabetes “buzz” has been out there for a while. Many diabetics and a number of scientists believe that Chromium may help lower blood glucose levels, hence the excitement. Chromium is considered an essential trace mineral, meaning that the body needs the mineral in trace amounts to run properly. It is not produced … Read more

Aloe Vera and Diabetes

Everyone knows how good it feels to put Aloe Vera on a sunburn. The healing link between Aloe Vera and diabetes is a little less known. Interestingly, preliminary research points towards the use of the plant to lower or improve blood glucose levels. Intriguing. Let’s take a closer look. Aloe Vera gel contains 75 different … Read more

Gestational Diabetes Meal Plan

It seems as though no one wants to provide a comprehensive gestational diabetes meal plan. After hours of searching the internet and the current literature on gestational diabetes, there really is very little information on putting together a good meal plan. Each book seems to simply say, “Talk to your health care provider” about a … Read more

Best Dash Diet Meal Plans

Dash Diet Meal Plans are hot commodities considering as many as 50 million people in the United States suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure. Fortunately, there are some good meal plan options that can help get you on the way to wellness. The Dash Diet was created by the National Institute of Health based … Read more