The Diabetic Test Strips market is over $8 Billion dollars!! Incredibly, the same box of diabetes test strips can sell for almost 50% off (or more) the price you pay in the store, if you know where to look.
Originally, this page had dozens of links to various websites with the best deals around. We have had to re-think this approach in 2013 because of changes to the test strip market.
There have traditionally been three different test strip markets:
- Medicare
- Private Insurance
- Out-of-Pocket
Starting July 1, 2013, Medicare changed the number of vendors they allow to distribute test test strips and the amount of money they will reimburse for test strips. Incredibly, the reimbursement amount dropped from over $75 to under $25. This has caused a major shake up in the market.
Regarding private insurance, many experts believe that starting January 11, 2014 with Obamacare taking effect, many private health insurance companies will follow Medicare’s lead and drastically lower reimbursement for test strips. This means you can still get test strips, but your choice may be limited to a few low priced brands. Like many aspects of Obamacare, the process is evolving.
So, this leaves Out-of-Pocket purchases. Industry insiders have told me they expect this market to effectively disappear because most people will be required by Obamacare to carry insurance. Again, it is not entirely clear.
What is clear, is that two of the major test strip manufacturers in the United States tried to sell this aspect of their business earlier this year. The rumor was that they saw this issue coming and wanted to exit the market because it would simply no longer be profitable to make test strips since insurance would primarily only pay for the cheapest of strips made in China. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know. However, I do know that no other company stepped up to buy the test strip businesses.
So, what is your best option if you purchase out of pocket?
The best and least expensive option to purchase strips is Hands down, they have the best selection, price and terms overall. Some other sites may provide a decent option, but out of pocket costs tend to be the lowest here.
Here is a direct link to the best pricing on diabetic test strips at